Greetings from the President,
I would like to thank each of you for the opportunity to serve as President of the National Fire Information Council, (NFIC). It’s such an honor to head this council, and imagining the extraordinary heights we’ll take together is truly exciting during an era when so many crucial decisions hinge on the analysis of statistical data. For the members who were unable to attend the last meeting, I would encourage you to contact other state and metro program managers and make an effort to maintain NFIC relationships and camaraderie.
Although one of the greatest challenges facing NFIC is never enough time to meet, train and discuss NFIRS issues due to funding, I am grateful to the USFA for their continued support and hard work in making training opportunities a reality. I am also grateful to all the members that continue to support and maintain NFIRS, given the many obstacles each of us deal with on a daily basis.
The fear of dwindling support for the fire service seems to be a reality due to current budget cuts. But I strongly urge you to continue to offer and provide support to your local fire departments through all means available. Without a coordinated approach to data collection and incident interpretation, future efforts at data integrity may be of little consequence. Networking and training are essential to collecting, maintaining and improving data quality. We must continue to provide in-depth onsite training where possible, which is key to meeting an ever-changing society’s needs to “Fighting Fires with Facts”.
As we all know the importance of NFIC, the need for the services and expertise we provide, requires that this association remain open to changes in our operations and commit our limited resources where necessary to continue our work.
Please feel free to call me at (978)567-3382 if ever I can be of assistance.
Derryl Dion
Notices and Minutes
FHExpo16: Quantify What Was Saved at Fires
Posted: October 19, 2016
Posted: September 19, 2016
Notes From Conference Call Meeting - USFA
~Conference Call Held in May 24, 2016~
Posted: July, 2016
NFIRS Incident Types: Why Aren't They Telling a Clearer Story?
Posted: February, 2016 Computer Glitch Keeps Western Pennsylvania Fire Departments From Reporting Fires Posted: May, 2015
NFPA 901 (Standard Classifications for Incident Reporting & Data Collection) 2nd Revision Posted: April, 2015
NASFM Research Education Foundation on "Conquering the Unknown” Posted: January, 2015

email: contact@nfic.org
National Fire Information Council
Fighting Fire With Facts

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